Greetings, Administrator.
Im just telling you that bad hackers, are careless, all your files will be compromised, web security is worthless.
Nothing in the world can one imagine beforehand,
not the least thing,
everything is made up of so many unique particulars that cannot be forseen.
Stamped by ~Un1x.
|No worries, everything is safe.|
Please fix the security to avoid further attacks like this
greetz to
Gr3s . skywalker . inmate . xmadz . rgxgov . daddylorcan . STE4LPH . GRuNT. XSHADOW . SYNTAX . X-m3n . PH.GON . W3b_Ghost00 . Azeroth . K4m4nd4G.Ph . K1LL3r B4LL . Code Grey . ViruzXilenced . M0rph1us . N]3w.B~ . D4rk_ur4n!um . SuperNinja . xSilver . GrandFather . Yhuricka . Pr1v4t3 0x3a . null . EvilClown .
ANON SECURITY HACKERS | BAYAWAK SEC | ANONYMOUS PHILIPPINES | X-GENERATION SECURITY TEAM | BLUE ALPHA SEC| Pinoy Clownsec | PURE HACKERS | SHINOBI SEC | Phantom Hackers | StrawHat Pirate Hackers | Pinoy Vendetta | PHU | MCA | Insecto | Pinoy Lulzsec | X-Protocol | C0D3X Cyber Army |
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